
Situation: Following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the need for preparedness-focused leadership programs arose in many state and local agencies. AIM Consulting Associates became extensively involved in the design of several programs to foster inter-agency cooperation, build relationships, and hone leadership appropriate for homeland security specialists and first responders. Methodology: The effort produced a three-tiered program designed to meet the needs of the various agencies. The Regional Program consists of two multi-day training sessions and includes team building, multidisciplinary problem solving, inter-agency collaboration, project management, change management, crisis leadership, emotional intelligence, contingency leadership, and negotiation. Students also participate in a multi-disciplinary project designed to demonstrate the use of leadership skills acquired in the program. An Advanced Program is available to all graduates of the Regional Program, and dives deeper into preparedness leadership principles. The day-and-a-half Executive Program reinforces inter-agency leadership skills important to State agencies involved with preparedness and counter-terrorism task forces. Results: From 2003 to 2007, the programs have produced over 100 graduates from a range of organizational levels. The program is known to promote the value of working relationships between all levels of government and to reinforce the importance of open lines of communication.
Download: Leadership_CaseStudy.pdf
Download: Leadership_Competencies.pdf
Download: Professional_Performance_Model.pdf